Dr. Amr Mamoun , Managing Director 

 April 2003 – till Now                       Co-founder of CairoGene

CairoGene is a leading reference Genetics lab located in Cairo , Egypt receiving samples from not only Cairo but from all over Egypt as well as some parts of the middle east (Saudi Arabia ,Yemen , Sudan , Syria , & Dubai). Since its establishment in 2003 samples have been analyzed for Cytogenetic , Molecular , & Biochemical testing.
June 2001 – till Now           Registrar of Pediatrics & Genetics
                                          Genetics unit , Cairo University Children’s Hospital
                                  * Genetic counseling (30 patients / week)
                                  *  Attending the Dysmorphology unit (4 days/week)
                                  * Attending the Cytogenetic lab with responsibilities ranging from set   
                                      up of different samples sent for analyses (blood , CVS , amniotic
                                      fluid , & bone marrow) , harvest , slide preparing , & analyzing                                                                      
                                      karyotypes. (20 – 25 samples / week)
March 1997 – May 2001     Resident of Pediatrics
                                         Cairo University Children’s Hospital
January 1996 – Feb 1997   Resident of Anesthesiology
      Theodor Bilharz Research Institute
Sept 1994 - Aug 1995      House officer
                                         Cairo University Hospitals
• Two monthly rotation in the Surgery, Internal medicine, Ob/Gyn, Pediatrics, Anesthesiology, Ophthalmology and their emergencies, attaining General practitioners' skills.
April 2009                 Enrolled in the Post Graduate Diploma program in Health Care & Hospital  
                                 Management at the American University in Cairo.
June 2007                 Passed the University of Montpellier DIU exam & awarded Diploma in         
                                 Cytogenetics & Molecular Cytogenetics held at University Paris 5
October 2006 – November 2006    PGD training at Reprogenetics in Barcelona , Spain
May 2005 - Jun 2005   Fellowship at University of Bari Genetics Unit , Italy
                                   Awarded by The European School for Genetic Medicine
                                   Under the Supervision of Prof. Mariano Rocchi
                                   Techniques for extraction &fluoresceneLabelling of DNA
Apr 1998 - May 2001   Faculty of Medicine
                                    Cairo University
M.Sc. in Pediatrics Very Good with Highest Honors
Thesis title “The Human Genome Project & the Future of Medicine”
Sep 1987 - Sep 1994 Faculty of Medicine
                                    Cairo University
MB.Bch Very Good with Highest Honors
                             * Molecular Cytogenetics & DNA microarrays - Bertinoro , Italy 2004
                                  * Cytogenetics & Molecular Cytogenetics - Montpellier , France 2005
                                  * PreImplantation Genetic Diagnosis - Barcelona 2006
                                  * Egyptian Society for Dermatology & Andrology (Cairo , 2006) Speaker :
                                    “Indications & Benefits of Diagnostic Genetic Testing in Dermatology & Andrology”
                                  *Cairo University Pediatric conferences (1999 - 2006)
                                                * World Congress in Fetal Medicine 2007 :
                                                   Organized by The Fetal Medicine Foundation FMF. Cairo , April 2007 
                                    Congress Director : Professor Kypros Nicolaides.
·         Member of the American College of Medical Genetics
·         Member of the European Society of Human Genetics
·         Member of the Egyptian Society of Pediatrics
·         Collaborative Research on the Genetics of Anopthalmia / Microphthalmia with Prof. Nicola Ragge , Department of Physiology , Anatomy , & Genetics , University of Oxford , UK & Prof. Rania El Essawy , Opthalmology Department , Cairo University.